Wellness Coaching
Mindfulness • Self-Actualization • Manifesting
Shelley is a creative midwife who will help you find meaning and purpose.
She will coach you into a higher vibration with yourself and teach you how to keep expanding on your own.
Her approach starts with self-awareness combined with taking account of external forces acting upon all of us . Working with Shelley is a dedicated journey into becoming articulate about who we are, what we are wanting, and what we are feeling.
She sources from legacy thinkers like Alan Watts, and Joesph Campbell and introduces her clients to the insights of modern thinkers like Iain McGilchrist, Abraham / Hicks, Audre Lorde, The Tools by Phil Stutz and The Source by Tara Swart; giving people powerful new insights and tools to move forward in their lives.
Modalities used are:
Applied Kinesiology (tapping, muscle testing)
Enneagram Essence Types (for increased Self Awareness)
The Tools as presented by Phil Stutz
Archetypical Mapping from literature, theater, film and TV
Emotional freedom, stress reduction and increased creative expression guaranteed!
Each session is 60 minutes.