TV and Film Coaching
“Shelley is a fearless explorer of humanity and culture. With Shelley the script is the tip of the iceberg, and what she brings out is the wealth of life in the ocean beneath.”
— Aaron Glenane (Shantaram, Snowpiercer)
“…Shelley’s the fairy dust that tinker bell spreads on you to fly. She’s the kiss that woke sleeping beauty! she’s the fuel in your engine to keep you going; only this fuel is unlimited….”
-Bobby Soto
(Narcos Mexico, Tax Collector, Flamin’ Hot)
Monthly Mentoring is ideal for emerging and working actors who are looking for inspiration in their down time, help with their auditions and guidance in expanding their horizons. Our sessions are built on learning about characters, archetypes and themes in modern classics (plays and films) and popular culture. You will learn how to reduce stress, increase focus and find dignity and freedom in expressing your emotions fearlessly.
• Private Coaching 4x/month