1:1 Coaching

“Behind every great actor there’s almost always a great teacher. If you are eager to up your game as an actor, Shelley Mitchell’s class is a must!”

Rita Moreno, EGOT

Monthly Mentoring Monthly Mentoring
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Monthly Mentoring

Monthly Mentoring is ideal for emerging and working actors who are looking for inspiration in their down time, help with their auditions and guidance in expanding their horizons. Our sessions are built on learning about characters, archetypes and themes in modern classics (plays and films) and popular culture. You will learn how to reduce stress, increase focus and find dignity and freedom in expressing your emotions fearlessly.

• Private Coaching 4x/month

Six Month Make Over Six Month Make Over
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Six Month Make Over

The Six Month Makeover will leave you with an unshakable connection to your authentic self. Private Coaching twice a week will give you an understanding of archetypes, emotional arcs, how to find your voice, how to sound unscripted, and much, much more!

Contact us to set up an interview.

• Private Coaching 2x/week
24 weeks: $6,500


Shelley’s approach to dramatic art is based on the legacy of Eleonora Duse, whom many consider to be the first modern actor and the mother of Method Acting. As a teaching artist, Shelley’s methodology is based on her taste, the times we are living in, traditional Method Acting techniques, applied kinesiology and energy healing. Her work supports performing artists to reduce stress and have easy access to their intuitive mind. Scene work, Sense Memory exercises and Script Analysis are at the center of her class.

Regardless of where you’re currently at, Shelley’s approach will guide you to new heights on your journey.  

Watch Shelley Mitchell in action at Slauson Rec. Theater School.
