Actor’s Starter Kit
“An actor is at most a poet and at least an entertainer.”
- Marlon Brando
We recommend the following films, books and online resources to get started.
Dr. Ian McGilchrist’s award winning documentary
The Divided BrainJill Bolte Taylor talks about left/right brain
My Stroke of InsightSpeak with Conviction (Stop using 'upspeak'.)
Listen to Me Marlon by Marlon Brando
Russel Brand speaks with Tristan Harris about how technology is influencing our minds.
The National Theater - Live from London: Streaming great performances from outstanding plays.
and keep scrolling down for some incredible YouTubes.
Mystic in the Theater: Eleonora Duse by Eva Le Gallienne
The Drama of the Gifted Child by Alice Miller
Truth by Susan Batson
Directing Actors by Judith Weston
Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen
A Challenge for the Actor by Uta Hagen
The Art of Acting by Stella Adler
The Empty Space by Peter Brook
The Intent to Live by Larry Moss
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran
Click here for a complete reading list.
Concord Theatricals to find scripts and all things theatrical.
https://www.imsdb.com (Thousands of film scripts online for free.)
Attention Will be Paid by Susan Batson